Immanuel’s Centennial Campaign

“We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and the wonders he has done.”
(Psalm 78:4)
Immanuel has been in Holden for almost 100 years, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus and serving our local communities with love! We are so thankful for the people who have come before us, and we’re also excited for the future of our congregation.
We’re "Honoring the Past and Embracing the Future" with a three-year Capital Campaign to make some changes to our properties that will help us better live out our purpose and fulfill our mission.
As of June 2024, our community has committed a total of $560,000 to make these changes possible!
We thank God for so much continued generosity and love! In the coming months we'll be sharing more information about projects and plans as we move forward together. If you'd like to learn more or make a commitment to our Centennial Campaign, just click below.
October 2024 update:
Dear friends in Christ at Immanuel,
Thank you so much for your overwhelming support of the Centennial Capital Campaign! We’ve started on some projects and have progress to report to you (check out below!). We plan to provide additional updates as milestone markers are met and other projects get underway. The next big focus will be the gym roof solar panels!
We’re thankful for all your generosity as we continue to honor Immanuel’s past and embrace its future.
In Christ,
Scott Hill and Bruce Kiefer, on behalf of the Steering Committee
Project 1 - Sanctuary Stained-Glass Windows
Cost: $43,710
completed october 2024
The old, yellowed coverings on the outside of all our stained-glass windows were removed, revealing beautiful glass we hadn't seen in full for at least sixty years. All the windows were repaired and all their frames were scraped and painted. Clear protective coverings and vents were installed in every window, allowing a kaleidoscope of colors and bright light into our sanctuary. Thanks to Willet Hauser - and to Eric and Aaron - for their great work!

Project 2 - Sanctuary HVAC system
Cost: $37,400
completed october 2024
As part of our goal to decrease our use of fossil fuels, two heat pump systems have been installed in the sanctuary! These units are able to aid in both heating and cooling. While our sanctuary had an old air conditioning system intended to cool part of the space, it stopped working a few years ago, and this new system is a major upgrade. It will allow people to gather and worship in comfort, and help us better care for the sensitive instruments and equipment we have in our sanctuary. The two air handlers are working perfectly, keeping our sanctuary at a comfortable temperature throughout the week. Thank you to RJ McDonald for their attention to detail at every step of this project!

Project 3 - Parsonage HVAC system
Cost: $27,450
completed october 2024
Immanuel also owns a parsonage property, where one of our pastors currently lives. It's a beautiful home that has been drastically improved in the past few years, and part of that improvement includes a heat pump system. Like the system in our sanctuary, this will help to provide centralized heating and cooling for the entire house, which has the added benefit of further reducing our oil consumption. The new system includes heating and cooling for every level and room in the house, and Pastor Josh is especially excited to not have to install window AC units in the summer. Our thanks to RJ McDonald for their work on this project, and for their help in teaching us how to use these systems.

Project 4 - Parsonage Windows
Cost: $13,345
completed october 2024
In 2006 and 2013, Immanuel replaced many of the original storm windows at the parsonage property. Newer windows are much more energy efficient and just look nicer. As part of our Centennial Campaign, we replaced the last ten original windows, most of which faced the street. After they were installed, trim was put in and the inside of the windows were painted. Thanks to TrueHome Roofing for their quick and excellent work. Bye-bye winter drafts!

Project 5 - Parsonage Chimney
Cost: $4,925
Completed October 2024
The chimney at the parsonage has been starting to show its age, especially during severe rain storms. After discussing options with contractors, the chimney was torn down to the roof line and totally rebuilt. That new flashing means everything will stay nice and dry, and dampers have also been installed on two of the flues which are currently unused. Thank you to Sterling Masonry for their solid and skilled work!

Project 6 - gym oil tank replacement
Cost: $4,000
Completed Fall 2023
We know first-hand that aging oil tanks need to be replaced in a timely manner, so we've kept an eye on the tanks in our gym boiler room. Both tanks were drained, cut into pieces, and removed, and then replaced by a single new, shiny and beautiful tank. Our warm thanks to McDonald HVAC in Auburn for their work on this project.